Evolve the quality of your team’s pass!

The technical quality of passing in a soccer team is a very important factor. Many coaches claim that this is the basis of the whole game and that in a team where the passing techniques are mastered it will be easy to apply all tactical concepts reaching the victories.

In a soccer game, the pass, in addition to being the link between the various players, can also serve to build moves and advance the game. A precise and accurate pass can undoubtedly result in a goal.

To develop your team’s technical passing qualities, we have prepared a new video on our Youtube channel!

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Watch the video below!


Check the coaching points of our suggested exercises bellow:

1-2 Combinations - Tactical Boards Soccer 1-2 Combinations
Coaching Points
– Weight of pass; accuracy; disguise; vision; first touch.
5 vs 5 Man to Man - Tactical Boards Soccer 5 vs 5 Man to Man
Coaching Points
– Angle, distance and timing of support; vision; body position – open to the field; decision making; verbal and visual communication.
Final Pass - Tactical Boards Soccer Final Pass
Coaching Points
– Angle, distance, and timing of support; vision; body position – open to the field; decision making; verbal and visual communication; first touch; communication; quick decision making.
Forward Passes 3 - Tactical Boards Soccer Forward Passes 3

Coaching Points
– Angle, distance and timing of support; vision; body position; decision making; verbal and visual communication; spread out the attack; quick finish; the first touch takes the ball away from pressure; support position lateral to the ball.


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Tactical Boards
Tactical Boards

Tactical Soccer helps to develop more effective and successful players and coaches across all levels of the US soccer landscape.

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